Sunday, September 30, 2007


Well, We just found out on tuesday that we are having a baby girl! I am now 5 months along! Half way there!! She is due February 11th.. Well any where from the 11th to the 16th.. So we have a little valentines baby! I haven't been so excited in my life.. It really is such a neat thing to experience.. It was amazing to see alex's face when he saw her.. I haven't seen his eyes light up like that before. He was right there with the nurse counting her fingers and toes. He wanted a little girl so he is pretty dang excited.. I can already tell she will be a daddy's little girl.. She is going to have him wrapped around her finger.. I think I have so trouble ahead. haha... It's so funny how you can care so much about something you haven't even met yet.. All the fears that you start to have. She is started to let me know she is there. Mostly right when I am ready to go to sleep of course.. I don't have to much to complain about.. I am pretty lucky I have had an easy pregnancy so far.. Haven't been sick.. So really uncomfortable and don't sleep.. I don't know how I am going to handle the next 4 months. I am so excited to see her little face..