Monday, April 13, 2009

Easter Weekend

Breanna being a bulley to Graice Lou
Graice and Breanna
Caden and Banana
Besties like their mommas
Sunday My friend Carrie and her two kids came over. Her daughter is 5 days older than Breanna.. Breanna was actuall born the day her daughter was suppose to be born.. The two girls had fun together.. They kept us all laughing.. Breanna Loved her!

Friday, April 10, 2009

More Pictures

Ap Tour Concert

Some of Jessica and I's favorite bands were playing 3oh!3, A Rocket To The Moon, The Maine, Family Force 5, and Hit the Lights.. A Rocket To The Moon is one of Jessica and I's favorite band we got to meet The lead singer.. It was awesome we even got a pic with him.. We had a lot of fun. Jessica, kalia, and I were in the mash pits, We got bruises all over. we got kicked and stepped on.. But it was so fun!

Jessi and I.. Can't tell we are sisters lol
A Rocket To The Moon
Kalia ( Jessi's friend), Jessi, Nick( Lead singer) And I
Me, Kalia, Jessi

New Pictures

Sorry I am so bad about keeping this updated but here are some updated pictures of My B.. She is getting so big.. I can't believe she is almost 1 1/2.. Where does time go? Two more months and then she can go to nursery! I am very excited about that. No more chasing her around and no more of her knocking old ladies down. She amazes me everyday with the things she does... She is just so much fun.. her knew thing right now is blowing kisses to everything and sometimes nothing.. She hugs her food and sippy cup and toys and books.. She say uh oh now.. well it is more like uh uh. She laughs at her self.. she thinks she is very funny. I love the age she is at.. i can put a movie on and she will watch so i can get things done.. She loves Elmo and Care Bears.. Her new favorite is Robin Hood. She loves being outside just walking around. She has been such a joy and Blessing.. She does have a bad side.. If you tell her no or get upset with her, she hits you in the face or bites you or yells.. She gets mad if she doesn't get what she wants when she wants it.. I'm not gunna lie i am tried of that. ha-ha.. The throwing fits is not an easy stage and I know it will only get worse.. She doesn't listen.. Most of the time she just laughs when she is in trouble. I don't know what to do.. But then there are the moments she crawls up in my lap and cuddles and I thank god for her.
I finally have her on a a schedule.. She eats dinner, bath any where between 7 and 7:30 and then milk, story and in bed no later than 8:30!!! I can just tell you how nice it is!! So much better than this 11 or 12 bedtime. Breanna is such a happy Baby.. she is always smiling laughing..

But My Best friend Carrie helps me through it. She has been a blessing in my life. I love her. She always helps me through things. She gave me hope and courage and strength! She is my lucky star! She is so blunt with me and always lookin out. She cares so much about other people is always there to help someone and put aside what she is going through.I swear her and I were sisters in another life. Actually i take that back TWINS in another life. ha- ha She has giving me hope. She is the best friend that I have always prayed for but never could find and now I did. She is a constent reminder that I'm doing just what I should be. I found so much strength through her when everything happened with alex and I. I really look up to her and admire her strength and courage.She is an amazing mom. the kind of mom I want to be. she has been through a lot. but always has a smile on her face. I couldn't ask for a better Best friend! I just love her to pieces. It's nice to have that best friend that you know isn't going any where and that you will always keep in touch.. Oh I don't know what I would do without her.. God must love me to send me such a wonderful amazing talent husband, an awesome amazing best friend.. She is the kind of friend everyone should have! I pray that I can be that same friend to her in return!
I am trying to think of what else is new. Everything is going good. I love and miss you all! hope to see you all soon. I talk about you girls all the time.. Ami give Ryder hugs and loves from Auntie Misty and Charis give Chloe hugs and loves from Auntie Misty.. I want our kids to sty in touch and be close.. I love you girls more than you will ever ever know.. You are my sisters and always will be!!!
She loves her Care

The water in the basement when the house flooded
She is crazy sleeper
The many ways she sleeps.