Monday, July 21, 2008

growing baby

sorry, i,m so bad about updating this thing.. i put up some more recent pictures.. but hopefully wqe will e seeing you guys this week. Alex and i are flying down on Wednesday! the last picture is breanna getting her head cast for her helmet.. oh how she hated that. lol.. so hopefully we will haveit in a week and start the processes.. i don't know if you guys know but she has to have surgery on her eyes.. they are going to fin the muscles in them.. and she is always in pysical therapy to help losing the muscles on her right side of her neck.. She is making a lot of improvement.. she started rolling to her tummy about a week or two ago and she is started to control her upper body so she can sit in her bumbo chair without help now.. She has also started teething, so we have a fussy baby.. she is doing so good and growing so fast.. Well sorry this is so short.. my child is demanding me.. hope to see you guys! much love!!