Thursday, December 31, 2009


I am so bad at keeping my blog up to dat.. I apologize. Well, Alex and I had a surprise on last saturday.. I found out I am pregnant with #2!! It was a shock for the both of us but we are very happy! My due date will be August 27th. Not the fun-nest time to be pregnant during summer.
Things are going pretty good. I am still in school, and loving it.. I go to school on monday and wednesday nights and Breanna stays home with alex. Next Term I will be taking 3 or 4 classes so I will probably be going to school every night.. My term is almost over! I can't believe how fast it is going by.. I am going to miss it. It has help me so much feeling like I am doing something and accomplishing things. I graduate in July sometime. My teachers are all so awesome and teach in away that you understand. It's not a stressful place..
Alex is doing pretty good, still trying to find a job.. It isn't easy finding one right now.. He has been helping one of his sisters lately and has been enjoying it.. Something to keep him busy. HIm and Breanna really have clicked lately.. She loves her daddy and gets so sad when he isn't home. She asks where he is all the time. And he adores her right back.. He gets so happy to come home and hug her.. He really is such an amazing dad.. I am so glad that they are close now..
OH Breanna.. where do I start. That child is a feisty one. She really has started to develop this attitude.. If she doesn't get what she wants she screams and yells at you until you listen or get.. Which never happens lol.. She says no all the time and when she gets in trouble she says WHAT? or WHY? She has started to hit when you tell her no.. she is pretty sassy. She is a smart little girl and understands pretty much everything.. For the most part she is an easy baby, she goes to bed at 7:30 p.m. she hardly ever cry when you put her to bed. She just says nigh nigh and blows kisses. She loves giving hugs and cuddling with her daddy. She loves Baby dolls and carries hers around every where. she loves laughing. She really is a happy baby.. She has brought so much joy and light in our lives. I can't imagine life without her. She amazes me every day. I don't want her to grow up.. I want to be able to give her everything.I want her to know her parents love her no matter what and that they are always there for her. She truly is a gift.
Well, here are some pictures of breanna from a few months ago. Alex's sister Lindsey took them. I think think they are amazing and she really captured Breanna's personality.
Love you all!!! Hope everyone had a merry christmas! I'll put up christmas picture's soon.. Promise!

This makes me laugh!

Classic Breanna face!