Monday, October 12, 2009

Outside, Breanna

The other day we went and played outside for a few. Breanna decided that a diaper and cowboy boots was very appropriate for this. She really has a obsession with shoes, even if they don't fit her. She really has been such a blessing in my life. She amazes me everyday. She is a VERY smart girl, and so good. I Miss her like crazy when i have come home from being gone somewhere. She is my joy and light, everything i do, i do because of her.
Breanna is now 20 months. She loves baby dolls, she loves watching movies, specially disney ones. She loves dancing and singing. If she get in trouble she looks at me and say " what mommies! " She calls Alex "Ale." She can say see ya, bye, mommies,babies,this,eyes,no no, and one of her favorites "uh uh" She LOVES being outside. she likes to go out and see the cows and chickens. Yes we have cows. We have about 5 calfs, and a momma cow. She is a big helper, she likes to help clean up. She always likes to bite and hit the other kids and scream at them if they touch her. She like doing things on her own, Very Independent. Her our some of our pictures from the other day!


Annie said...

Those pictures with the cowgirl boots... you will always remember. She is so adorable.

Brian and Ami said...

Cute! Love the diapers and boots. She has her own sense of fashion already!

Shelly J. said...

More, More...That little girl is heaven on earth!