Monday, November 26, 2007

A couple of weeks ago we went ice skating With some friends. It was a little bit of an experience ice skating with a tummy. haha.. But I thought I would put some pictures up.. Alex doesn't believe in taking nice pictures.. What a poop.. I know I should put some pictures of my belly.. And I promise i will soon.. The pregnancy is going really well.. I start going to the doctors every 2 weeks now.. Scarey! It is going by faster than I thought it would.. And I have NOTHING ready! But she is looking very healthy.. And I am gaining the right amount of weight.. I have gained 22 pounds so far.. So weird.... Well, Everything is going really good.. We are very excited and happy.. I miss and love you all!! And hope everything is going well with you!!!!


Mandi Abaroa said...

YAY! I love hearing all the news. It's very exciting. I'm glad both you and the baby are doing well.

love yer guts,

Brian and Ami said...

Ice Skating??? You dare-devil! I don't like ice skating at all - I am a scaredy cat. I can't wait to see more pictures of your tummy. Keep us updated on your progress!