Sunday, November 18, 2007


So I am really bad about writting on her.. Sorry I don't have any pictures.. I should be getting some soon from a wedding we went to this weekend in vegas.. I actually look like I am pregnant.. I feel like a cow.. Everything is going good with the baby.. she is very much active.. I am 7 months!! it is so weird I have 2 1/2 months left.. And to be honest I am not ready at all.. I'm scared.. It is kinda scarey to think about teaching her everythng she needs to know.. and Hoping that you'll be good parents. I'm very lucky to be sharing this with Alex.. I couldn't ask for anyone better.. He is going to be such an amazing father.. He is so excited.. He is always rubbing my stomach and feeling her move.. He has been so patient with me through this.. My emotions sure have gotten the best of me.. It is so hard to see your body change.. All of a sudden you have this big belly nothing fits.. I just don't feel cute or attractive.. which is hard.. And it is hard also cause I just don't have the energy to do things.. Can't really keep up with everyone. I'm pretty lazy.. I am usually in bed by 9.. pretty sad. lol But alex is always there and he always lets me know how beautiful i am which helps. lol..
Things have been really good for us.. We both just work a lot.. Alex works 12 hour days most days.. Poor guy! He is such a hard worker.. We have been decideding if he should take over his parents business or not.. He is still thinking about what he really wants to do career wise.. But if he does take over the business looks like utah is were we will be staying.. Which I really don't mind.. It has really growin on me.. I would miss the mountain so much! It is so pretty..
We are pretty boring people.. We usually just sit around at home with friends and play a lot of games.
Well, Sorry this isn't very long.. But I will get pictures up here soon.. I also have a doctors appointment on tuesday so I will keep everyone updated on that as well..


Mandi Abaroa said...

Yay! Thanks for the update. I'm sorry you haven't been feeling the best lately. But I know you're beautiful! I think that you'll be a great mom. As far as being lazy, you have EVERY right to be...your body is making a baby, and she's probably draining all of your energy. Have you picked out a name yet? Well, got to go. I LOVE YOU!!!!

Brian and Ami said...

I am so glad to see your update! I check your blog often to see if there is any news!

I am sure you don't look like a cow, I bet you are so dang cute with your baby belly! You are the type of gal who makes pregnacy look so cute!

Take care!

Charis Willis said...

So, I just typed up cutest "Hang in there" message and Chloe dECIDED THTAT She wanted to type too and IN Two strokes of the keyboard, she deleteed it... Cheers to being a mommy soon...It's a lbn ot - a lot - of hard work but, SO very wonderful and rewarFDING.

i DECIDED to keep Chloe's mtj hh typing in... ahh, motherhood!

Love YA~~